Friday, November 30, 2012


What are the criteria of a good teacher?
Why would a teacher loved and respected by her/his student?

Incidentally this day, me and my friends got an unpleasant experience as a lecturer can't uphold the professionalism and prestige value, instead it dropped in front of students. First, because she was late to teach, then she was also arbitrarily change the agreement that was made​​, and her decision is subjective and doesn't think from students' perspective. Is this really how should be the teaching done?

I'm also a teacher, and I know that this is wrong. So why did she doing such a thing like this?

Teaching is fun and exciting for me, thus they might enrich you more and more aside from what you've learned at school or university. And in my perspective, a teacher is someone whom you can ask and depend for, while she/he can also be your friend. Then teaching is not only about the knowledge, it's not only about the exam and marks, but it's also about trust between student and teacher.

I'm not saying that I'm good enough, but I'll always try to be a better teacher day by day. It's not easy, I know, but being trusted by my students is much more valuable. Became a respected teacher  is much more difficult than the dreaded teacher, and that's much more valuable. Therefore, I'm trying my best to build a good relationship with my students by building bridges of trust as solid as possible, so that no one can break it.

Somehow I wish all of the teacher could make it too, but neither I know what's on their mind about teaching.

Long life dear good teacher and lecturer all around the world =)

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